Saturday, February 2, 2008

It's been too long...

WOW. It's been way too long since i have blogged. Life has been pretty crazy lately. School is overwhelming, sports have taken over, and life is just busy. Today i have a day off from all of that. no school and no sports. Just me time..and friends time maybe tonight.

On a diabetes note. Things have been pretty good. my A1c is alright. It hasn't really changed much over the years...a pretty steady 7.2 or 7.3...its hard to get in the 6 range with having to stay higher for sports and things but when i dont have sports i do my best to keep it controlled!

i recently joined It is a sight for people with Diabetes or parents or spouces or anything like that. just to talk and to communicate with other people that have the same issues as you...its pretty awesome!

Thats all i gotta say..its like 4pm i think i should get out of my pj's and do something haha.

1 comment:

Justine said...

hi Jenna! It's Justine, over from

I'm tagging you regarding the six-word memoir. Here's how it works:
1) Write your own six word memoir
2) Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you want
3) Link to the person that tagged you in your post, and to the original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere
4) Tag at least five more blogs with links; and
5) Leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!
have fun! :)