Friday, March 30, 2007

A Book to Read...

A couple months ago, i read in a Diabetes news letter from my camp, that a boy named Chase was creating a book for newly diagnosed diabetics (Chase also attends the camp I go to, and is one of my camp friends). It is a collection of letters from all different people with diabetes and or people who know people with diabetes from all over the world. This book is definitely a Winner!

I am one of the lucky people who got to be involved in this project by writing an email that I sent to Chase about my story. I'm Chapter 53 ;). Anyways, this is a great book and I finished it in about three days! Its a great opportunity to learn about other people's situations and listen to advice they have to share!

The Book is called "When I Got Diabetes: Letters To Chase". I recommend this book to not only newly diagnosed people, but to anyone who is in need of support or encouragement! (young or old...) You can purchase it at and i also have a link to that site on the left hand side of my page so you can learn more about Chase and what he is all about!

Thank you Chase for putting such a great book together, I know you worked very hard on it, and it turned out really great!!!...(oh and Chase: only 2 months and 17 days till camp, can't wait)!

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Its been a few days since my last post...but I've been very busy lately. Between school Softball starting, travel Field Hockey, school, and RED and BLACK night (which ill explain later) i haven't had any time to write. But, its Saturday and i have some free time now so here goes nothing...

Every year my school has a competition between students to see which side of the alphabet is stronger: physically, mentaly, creatively, sociably, and spiritually. Its a crazy hyped competition between the last named people A-L (Black) and M-Z (Red). This event takes many, many days of preparation and is all organized by the student body. We have Generals (seniors) and captains (9,10,and 11). Each grade allows two generals of captains. Although i am not a captain, I love participating in as many challenges as possible! As i said, there is a lot to this big night! There is Painting, which is making huge posters which fill the wall space of our intire gym, Dance Team, one team for Red and one team for Black, Partner Dance, which is three groups of two dancers for each team, Speed Pyramid and lots more! (Those are all the activities which practice and put the most time into) And..the three days of this event are Pool Night, Field Events, and Gym Night. Also: This years names picked by the Generals and Captains were the RED VANDALS (my team) and BLACK KNIGHTS.

POOL NIGHT!- This was the first night of Red and Black. I originally did not sign up for any pool night events, but my friend was a captain, and decided that she would put me in Queen of the Inner tube. I was sooooo nervous. A couple hours before my event...i went down to the locker rooms to check my sugar... gooood 112 mg/dl. Not Bad, yet not good for getting ready for a vigorous sporting event. Of course I wasn't thinking and didn't eat anything or drink any Gatorade at that point and probably should have. Naturally, my event was called to check in and what do you know, I'm already shaking and feel the need to check my sugar again..not good. I turn to my friend and say "I gotta check my sugar like NOW"..."You don't have time" she says. This is not good. So I'm like, "Yeah I do, I have to, I'll be right back." so I run as fast as I can across the slippery/wet tile floor, squeezing my way through a crazy amount of people. I get to the locker room and run down the, Beep...Crap its only 100 mg/dl. now. I quick grab my Gatorade and run back up the the pool area while guzzling berry flavored liquid, which is extremely hard might I add. Our event was about to start and i was beginning to feel more and more weak and nervous by the second. Starting an activity like this at 1oo mg/dl is not good and I new I would be low after if now during Queen of the Inner tube. This event is one of the biggest more exciting event of Pool Night, it takes and immense amount of energy to swim around in a tube and try to knock people off their tube while fighting to stay on your tube at the same time. I was flapping around in the pool, not able to gain much ground, considering my 5 footness. haha. It was increasingly getting harder and harder to fight and swim and I felt like I was going to pass out. Finally in an overtime situation, i got pulled out of my tube after being attacked by at least three girls and one time, but I gave them a fight! I swam to the closest side of the pool, with absolutely no energy left to actually get out of the pool. Luckily my friends were right there for me and pulled me out of the pool. I collapsed on the ground, shaky and unable to catch my breath. Our trainer came over to me and helped me get to a chair where my juice was and i chilled out there for a few minutes. I drank more and re-checked at 146 mg/dl. I was relieved that I wasn't low anymore, but I sure felt it. (Im not sure what my sugar was throughout the event, but I know I wasn't feeling myself) My best friend, who was sitting in the stands, even said to others around her that she thought I was low, just by the way my face looked. We lost that event, and I lost my challenge of keeping my sugar higher so I could play, but everyone who saw my that night said I did amazing considering the 3 person ambushes I kept encountering.

Field Events- I'm not going into too much detail about this one, because I sucked here too, and felt shaky while shooting free throws for Basketball Foul Shooting. But I will say, it was right after gym class and i was 113 mg/dl and going down...After that though, our teachers competed against each other and the whole school watched.

GYM NIGHT- This was the BEST night so far! The events I was in were: Crab Soccer(as the goalie), Tire Pull, and Tug-of-War. Crab Soccer was SOOOO AMAZING! Again we still lost this too, but i was doing sooo well..I was literally diving left and right and kept the huge (bigger than me) sized balls out of the goal, which was the intire width of the gym wall. I may have scuffed up my pump a lil bit but it was worth it, cause I had so much fun and people were coming up to me afterwards, people i didn't even know, and saying how SICK i did! I know it sounds repetitive but again, we lost tire pull...but when my number got called I kept fighting as hard as I could and made it a tie so we would have a chance to win. I was up against the strongest girl there, and I kept her from winning. But tug of war was just a disaster. i was pulling as hard as i could but we still lost. OH WELL...for the most part it was an awesome night and i had tons of fun! AND I KEPT MY SUGAR THIS NIGHT ABOVE 200 mg/dl. and BELOW 240 mg/dl. THE WHOLE TIME....which was my objective in order to perform without having to eat to fix a low! EVEN THOUGH THE RED VANDALS DIDN'T WIN...I STILL HAD FUN!

The After Party! - I went home..iced my leg (which had a cramp from tire pull), iced my arm(sore from tire pull, and still hurts today), got a shower, and headed over to my Friend Biz's house. It was Biz, Christine, and me...and we had a sleepover party. We talked all night and eat and slept til 12 this morning...when i woke up and made them get up to eat......I woke up and tried to go back to sleep but felt clammy and hot and shaky as hell decided to check... Beep....57 mg/dl. ooohhhh crap. I grabbed my Gatorade and guzzled it down as fast as I could....sat there for a while and then when up for breakfast...before I was 99 mg/dl. and i was OK again!!!!

I LOVE RED AND BLACK NIGHT.....only 364 days till next years!

Monday, March 19, 2007

The Beginning...

This is my first post EVER and I am new to this whole blogging thing. Sure, i have/had all the "fad" web pages (xanga, myspace, facebook) but I'm a first time blogger today!

Not to sound weird or anything but, the past couple of weeks I have been reading and searching the web for Diabetes Blogs and found them quite intriguing. Its nice to read and learn about other peoples' everyday experiences with their Diabetes and see what they do in different situations that they are faced with! It gives me a sense of comfort knowing and reassuring myself that there are a lot of people "just like me" in this world and we are all in it together. That is why I am starting this blog; in hopes of sharing my dlife with others, communicating with them and to maybe even give comfort to someone else searching the web just like I did! kick off this blog i just want to say a few words. First off, If you haven't already noticed this is a blog about me, my life, and living with Type 1 Diabetes and if your not interested in any of those subjects, I think it would be safe to say; you are in the wrong place!! haha. Also, a little background info on me, I was Diagnosed in November 2003 when I was 12 years old turning 13 in one week, I enjoy talking about diabetes and this is my chance to really get all my feelings, thoughts, and experiences down on paper and out to others! Sure, I have kids in my school with diabetes, but not all of them like to talk about it. I try to talk to them, yet some just don't feel comfortable expressing their situation for some reason, or maybe they are just insecure about the hole idea of having Diabetes. Whatever it may be, I'm not sure , but this is how i will get to share and learn with others who are willing to talk!
This is the beginning of my togetherness with other diabetics and I am pumped (haha) and excited for this new Online Communication experience!!!